Football Talks! With Ibrahim

Football Talks! With Ibrahim


Football Talks! 

With Ibrahim.

Welcome back to another episode of Football Talks, our very own section where we interview different sports personnel and get the bizz-ness. 

Coming up on today’s edition…

We interview up-and-coming Twitter News Journalist @Mo_Ibrahim_32 about what it’s like being a news journalist in today’s society.


Q: What made you love football?

Ibrahim: I just love the complete intensity of the games and the atmosphere. To me, there is not much better than a climatic game with an amazing crowd behind the scenes. 

Q: What is your favourite moment in football history?

Ibrahim: As a Liverpool fan, my favourite moment has to be our win against Milan in the 2005 Champions League final, the comeback was unreal, and it had to have been one of my happiest days ever.

Q: What is it like being an up-and-coming journalist when there are so many other journalists out there?

Ibrahim: To be honest, it is difficult at times, but you must keep going and trying if you want to be one of the best.

Q: How did you get into journalism?

Ibrahim: Well, I’ve always enjoyed writing and I wanted to bring news to people’s attention, so I decided to start journalism and ever since it has been great.

Q: Was becoming a journalist hard to begin with? With regards to making connections, etc?

Ibrahim: It’s very difficult in the beginning because nobody recognises you and it’s hard to make connections and get news correct at first, but once you get into the hang of it, it becomes easier. 

Q: Do you have any advice to anybody wishing to start a career in journalism?

Ibrahim: Start now. Journalism is a lot easier now than it was before, thanks to social media, and everything you need is available. You can find connections on Twitter, or various other websites, and build links and partnerships. It’s great!

Q: Do you find journalism to be particularly rewarding?

Ibrahim: I do personally find journalism very rewarding when you start to get recognition for your work, and it is also an amazing feeling when are correct. Reporting big news is also a great feeling too.

Q: You’ve reported multiple times about the Super League. What are your thoughts on the Super League in general?

Ibrahim: I don’t like the idea of a super league and am totally against it, we have a champions league for a reason, and I think there is no need for it to be changed or for another league to be formed. I think it’s all about the money and greed which football isn’t about. 

Q: How do you handle adversity in your career? 

Ibrahim: Ignore it completely. Don’t pay any attention to it or it will start to affect you and it will just keep happening. The best way to deal with negativity is to just move on and to not think about it at all. 

Q: Finally, what do you hope to achieve during your journalism career?

Ibrahim: At the moment, it is a side hobby. Maybe one day an opportunity comes along, and I can go from there, but for now it’s a hobby that I enjoy doing and I’ll continue doing it.

There we have it! A brilliant insight on what it is like becoming a journalist. On behalf of everyone at SHOWMYBIZZ, we thank Ibrahim and wish him all the best in his career.

You can find Ibrahim on Twitter here:

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